Golden Gate National Recreation Area – National Park Service

Nike Missile Site SF-88

From 1953 to 1979, the United States Army created nearly 300 Nike missile sites during the Cold War as the last line of defense against Soviet nuclear bombers. Site SF-88 remains preserved as a national park within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, where visitors can tour the facility, view deactivated missiles up close, and reflect upon the Cold War’s effect on American politics.
Golden Gate National Recreation Area – National Park Service

Nike Missile Site SF-88

From 1953 to 1979, the United States Army created nearly 300 Nike missile sites during the Cold War as the last line of defense against Soviet nuclear bombers. Site SF-88 remains preserved as a national park within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, where visitors can tour the facility, view deactivated missiles up close, and reflect upon the Cold War’s effect on American politics.

“Every generation faces threats to its security, its freedom, its way of life… How we respond to these threats shapes and defines what we believe in and who we are.”

SF-88 Orientation Film

SF-88 Orientation Film

This interpretive, historical film provides an overview of the Cold War and a history of the Nike program to prepare visitors touring the site. The orientation film captures the fraught atmosphere that shaped the Nike program and considers the question: How far are we willing to go for national security?

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