Headwaters Center

Headwaters River Journey

Waterways like the Fraser River are vital lifelines to the Colorado region. Yet these rivers are under constant strain from diversions, population growth, and water usage. The Headwaters Ecology Center endeavors to foster an understanding and appreciation of the complex ecosystem that visitors inhabit and demonstrate conservation practices that they can implement at home.
Headwaters Center

Headwaters River Journey

Waterways like the Fraser River are vital lifelines to the Colorado region. Yet these rivers are under constant strain from diversions, population growth, and water usage. The Headwaters Ecology Center endeavors to foster an understanding and appreciation of the complex ecosystem that visitors inhabit and demonstrate conservation practices that they can implement at home.

“Each display provides an immersive and memorable experience, conveying… the role the Headwaters plays in our environment, economy and lifestyle.”

Holli Riebel, Executive Director Headwaters River Journey

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Headwaters Theater

Utilizing projection mapping, this orientation film combines interviews from local professionals with scenes of Colorado waterways, wildlife, and recreation.


Inform Coloradans about local water sources and the importance of conservation.


An immersive, 180º film of vast Colorado landscapes encompassing the exhibit wall, synchronized with fans and spatial audio to heighten the experience.


Show the journey that water takes – from the mountain peaks, through pine forests and into local rivers – to join the Colorado water supply.

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Dynamic Streamscape

A looping video wall across five screens of a river cycling between spring and fall to show the difference in water-level each season.


Seamlessly matching different sections of the same river across five screens

Synchronizing colors across monitors with different outputs

Insect Indicators

Two short videos featuring a local conservationist in different rivers explaining how insect life can indicate the river’s health.

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EXHIBIT DESIGN       ECOS Communications