Fitchburg, MA

Fitchburg Art Museum

Winikur Productions teamed up with the Fitchburg Art Museum on videos to build visitorship and engage the local community.
Fitchburg, MA

Fitchburg Art Museum

Winikur Productions teamed up with the Fitchburg Art Museum on videos to build visitorship and engage the local community.

“Winikur Productions created beautifully directed and produced videos that have become essential tools in our messaging to people who have never been to FAM, or any other museum for that matter. Winikur helped to make our stories accessible, informative, and fun!”

Nick Capasso, Museum Director

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FAM in 5

A series of five short, fun, social-media ready videos to promote the museum’s impressive and eclectic collection and to engage with diverse audiences.


Showcase five unique and varied objects in a way that encapsulates the spirit of the museum as an important art museum and welcoming community center and resource.


Create a style with broad appeal that is informative, inclusive and fun and can be replicated for a campaign.

Produce work while ensuring pandemic safety protocols.

Children's Welcome

This brief introduction to the museum for children, parents, and educators, with a particular focus on visitors with special needs, prepares them for what to expect on a visit.


Engaging both children and adults.

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