Musealia Traveling Exhibit

Auschwitz: Not Long Ago, Not Far Away

This traveling exhibition tells the story of the Holocaust through its most deadly killing center. Produced by Musealia in collaboration with the Auschwitz Museum, the exhibition uses audio walkthroughs, survivor testimonies, and historical footage to contextualize hundreds of artifacts shown for the first time outside of Auschwitz. Winner of the prestigious European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2020 in the “Education, Training and Awareness-Raising” category, the exhibit has been seen by nearly 2 million visitors across the United States and Europe.
Musealia Traveling Exhibit

Auschwitz: Not Long Ago, Not Far Away

This traveling exhibition tells the story of the Holocaust through its most deadly killing center. Produced by Musealia in collaboration with the Auschwitz Museum, the exhibition uses audio walkthroughs, survivor testimonies, and historical footage to contextualize hundreds of artifacts shown for the first time outside of Auschwitz. Winner of the prestigious European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award 2020 in the “Education, Training and Awareness-Raising” category, the exhibit has been seen by nearly 2 million visitors across the United States and Europe.

“You see before your eyes what is the result of hatred… You destroy yourself. You destroy your nation. You destroy the world this way. My message is, please, fight for peace.”

Eva Davis, Holocaust Survivor

Testimony Films

Winikur Productions produced nine films for Auschwitz: Not Long Ago, Not Far Away, each of which interweaves archival images and video with first-person testimonies from the Oral Histories collections at USHMM and the USC Shoah Foundation. Films were delivered with both English and Spanish open captions.

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EXHIBIT DESIGN       Musealia